TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Print Worksheets

Use the Print Worksheets function to print worksheets if you use them to record the physical count of your inventory. You can print the lines on the worksheets by item, location, and product line. Choose the sort order by selecting these fields in the order you want to print them.

  1. Select the frozen batch code for which to print worksheets from the Code field.
    Note: The description you enter for the batch in Freeze Quantities appears; however, you can edit the description in the Description field as necessary.
  2. Select the types of items to include from the Selected Items section.
  3. Mark the check box(es) for the information to include in the list from the Print section.

    Hint: Most businesses elect not to print frozen quantities.

  4. Manage the sorting order for the worksheets from the Sort By section.
  5. Click a command button to
  6. Select To
    Print Print the worksheets.
    Output Output the worksheets as PDFs.
    Send Save the worksheets as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview Preview the worksheets.
    Reset Reset all fields and lists to their default selections.